Robert Weggel Fund
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Robert “Bob” Weggel has long been an avid hiker and backpacker, having trekked two hundred miles to gaze enraptured by Mt. Everest and its vicinity and summited Mt. Whitney and all but nine of Colorado’s 14ers–the first in 1970, the most recent at age 73. He’s also an avid conservationist and trail builder, specializing in rock steps, stepping stones and soil-retention walls. RMFI’s Volunteer Vacation program hosted him in 2006 at South Colony Lakes and subsequently at Como Lake, Kit Carson and Cheyenne Mountain. In gratitude, in March of 2017 he established RMFI’s first Endowment Fund to help support its conservation and stewardship work.
Bob earned a B.S. degree in physics from MIT, followed by graduate work at Harvard. For thirty-six years he designed magnets for the National Magnet Laboratory at MIT; 1980s editions of The Guinness Book of World Records cite him as co-designer of a magnet that generated the most intense continuous magnetic field in the world. He now is contributing to expeditiously bringing to our energy-hungry world abundant, economical, environmentally-benign electric power from thermonuclear fusion.
Come, help the Fund to grow.
Please click here to donate to our endowment fund today to ensure the long-term success and financial sustainability of RMFI (minimum donation $500). Please also send a followup message to RMFI's Marketing and Development Director, Sam Hinkle, at, directing the donation to the endowment.