Transparency and Accountability
Our Standard of Excellence
At RMFI, we are committed to the highest standard of efficiency in achieving our mission. We hold ourselves accountable to our funders, partners, the public, and the natural areas in which we work. Every dollar donated is an investment that we take seriously. Over 85% of our funding goes directly to our hands-on restoration program work.
RMFI has completed the Center for Nonprofit Excellence's Standards for Excellence Course, has achieved Guidestar Platinum status, and is an accredited charity through the Better Business Bureau.

RMFI's Impact
RMFI prides itself on being accountable to the many donors and partners who make the work that we do possible. We measure our on-the-ground impact and accomplishments by recording quantitative metrics after each workday including miles of trail constructed/maintained, miles of trail closed and restored, number of trees/saplings planted, number of erosion control/stabilization structures built, number of trees felled, and others. We also measure volunteer satisfaction through surveys of volunteers sent after each workday.
Over the past 20 years, RMFI has:
- Raised over $10 million from public and private sources
- Worked with more than 30,000 community volunteers
- Recorded over 322,600 volunteer hours
- Repaired over 100 miles of trail
- Constructed thousands of rock steps
- Restored miles of riparian habitat
- Contributed over $7.5 million worth of volunteer time for the stewardship of our public lands