Our Education Programs
RMFI offers outdoor education from Leave No Trace Instructor Courses, Earth Corps our 22-year running college field studies program and we aim to integrate an educational component into every stewardship event.
RMFI offers the below programs for those looking to dig a little deeper.
Earth Corps Field Studies Program
Earth Corps is RMFI's signature education program. Started in 2002, this award-winning undergraduate field studies course provides environmentally conscious college students the opportunity to live, work, learn, and recreate in the incredible mountains of Colorado for an extended period of time. While there, students earn 4 college credits, receive technical training, gain skills in outdoor leadership and make memories that will last a lifetime.
Please check back in December for 2026 dates and applications.
Pikes Peak Regional Crew Leader Training
The annual Pikes Peak Regional Crew Leader Training is an intensive weekend-long training for stewardship volunteers who are interested in becoming certified and active Stewardship Crew Leaders. While in the training, participants learn how to lead safe, successful trail projects and develop basic trail construction and restoration skills. The training is hosted in partnership by Rocky Mountain Field Institute, Trails and Open Space Coalition, and the City of Colorado Springs, Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department. 2025 Crew Leader Training is open for registation.
Leave No Trace Level 1 Instructor Courses
Level 1 Instructor Course is a 2-day course where participants learn Leave No Trace skills, ethics, and techniques for educating others about these low-impact practices. Designed for educators, guides, agency employees, other outdoor professionals and anyone interested in learning more about minimum impact skills and ethics.
Check back for 2025 Course Dates.