Public Comment: Planning Trails with Wildlife in Mind
March 25, 2021 by Jennifer Peterson
In May 2020, Colorado Parks and Wildlife began an effort to overhaul a 1998 document titled, "Planning Trails with Wildlife in Mind." This document was created to support land managers in planning for trails while incorporating strategies to address wildlife impacts. While it has served as an excellent tool for trail planners throughout the state, it had not been updated in 20 years.
RMFI was asked to sit on the Advisory Council to help lead the process with other stakeholders and partners. We provided insight and recommendations on trail design and layout and other considerations anchored in Colorado's Outdoor Principles. The goal was to build a document that underscores the mutually beneficial roles of conservation and recreation.
The draft plan is now ready for review and public comment and can be found here:
Public comment is being accepted through April 18, 2021.