North Cheyenne Cañon Master Plan

North Cheyenne Cañon Master Plan

October 6, 2017 by Jennifer Peterson

The City's historic mountain park is set to get lots of attention over the next eight months as the City's Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department teams up with community residents to develop an updated Master and Management Plan for the popular North Cheyenne Cañon Park.

The Master and Management Plan will focus on a little over 1,855 acres of land, including the core of the park property as well as the adjacent Cresta and Stratton Forest Open Spaces. Additionally, the plan will encompass the property added to the park from the recent land exchange with the Broadmoor. The plan will also focus on trail connections between the park and the adjacent open space properties, including Stratton and Stratton Preserve Open Spaces. (see map)

The existing North Cheyenne Cañon Park master plan was developed in 1999. Since that time, park use has significantly increased and recreational needs have expanded and changed, creating impacts on the natural resources of the park.


The Master and Management Plan will guide use and management of the park for the next 10 to 15 years. It will create a shared community view of what the park is and should be by identifying current and future needs. The plan will provide a framework to accommodate a variety of recreational uses while also taking care of the land, its history, and its natural environment.

The City has retained Tapis Associates to lead the team of consultants who will work with the community to develop the Master and Management Plan.

The process offers lots of opportunities for you to have your say about the future of this wonderful park.

At the meetings, participants will get valuable information about the park and provide equally valuable insights back to the City and consultant team about the park's needs and what should be done to meet them. People who attend the meetings will help guide master plan decisions.

The process offers lots of opportunities for you to have your say about the future of this wonderful park. All community meetings indicated below will take place at 6 p.m. at Cheyenne Mountain High School (1200 Cresta Road):

  1. Identify issues, concerns and guiding principals (July 2017-September 2017)
  2. Interviews, ice cream socials, on-site, social media and web online surveys
  3. Community workshop #1 on September 19
  4. Identify opportunities, problem situations and master plan preferences (October 2017)
  5. Community workshop #2 on October 17
  6. Review preliminary draft plan approaches (December 2017)
  7. Community workshop #3 on December 13
  8. Review draft master and management plan (January 2018)
  9. Community open house on January 25
  10. Present recommended master and management plan (February 2018)
  11. TOPS Working Committee - Park Advisory Board
  12. Approve final master and management plan (March 2018)
  13. Park Advisory Board

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