Daniels Pass area closed starting Tuesday, Sept. 7
September 1, 2021 by Jennifer Peterson
September 2, 2021: Starting Tuesday, Sept. 7, the Daniels Pass area in North Cheyenne Cañon Park will be closed to the public through early November 2021. The reopening date is dependent on weather and final completion of new trail projects underway. Mount Muscoco will remain open and accessible via the Mount Cutler and Mount Muscoco trails. Access on Gold Camp Road adjacent to the area will not be affected. The closure allows for construction of the new Daniels Pass and Sweetwater Canyon trails. Work also includes the decommissioning and restoration of the existing and unsustainable Daniels Pass Trail.
As indicated on the map, the closure area runs south of North Cheyenne Cañon Road to the property boundary on the landscape between Mount Muscoco on the east and Gold Camp Road on the west. For the safety of all involved, we thank you for abiding by the closure.
Vanessa Zink
Senior Communications Specialist