Be Trail Kind - Trails Are Common Ground Initiative Launches
September 15, 2021 by Jennifer Peterson
No matter our differences in backgrounds or how we choose to enjoy the great outdoors, trails create common ground that connects us. Access to trails is a privilege we acknowledge and can only safeguard through our actions toward one another.
Trails are Common Ground™ is a proactive, growing, and inclusive national community of passionate trail users woven together by a love for trails and respect for one another. Together, we are dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment every time anyone steps, rides, or rolls onto the trail.
We don’t have to tell you that it’s been getting pretty crowded out on the trails lately. On the one hand, it’s great that so many people are enjoying the outdoors. On the other hand, sometimes we struggle to understand each other on the trail.
That’s why Trails are Common Ground was created. We want to help reduce friction and increase respect and kindness by all users on all trails. It’s a broad-based national effort powered by people like you who care about having a great day on the trail every day.
We’re not asking you to go out and be a trail cop. We expect that you already ride, run, or walk the talk when it comes to the core values at the heart of Trails are Common Ground.
We’re asking you to raise your voice to help remind others that everyone deserves to pursue happiness in nature and that creating a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment on the trail is a responsibility that we all share.
And stay tuned, as this initiative builds momentum and tackles tough issues around trail messaging, trail design, trail planning, and building a safe and welcoming trail system in every community. Together we can bring the opportunity to enjoy trails to everyone.
Share a smile. Step aside. Lend a hand. When it comes to supporting the idea that trails are common ground for us all, a little courtesy is a big step in the right direction.
For more information, please visit: